Medical Student Mentorship Program
This program is done in collaboration with medical students at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.
In this program, you will be paired up with a medical student who can advise you on:
What it's like to be a medical student
Studying for the MCAT
Filling out medical school applications
Getting involved in various activities (research, volunteering, job shadowing, etc)
And more to help you be a successful pre-med!
Undergraduate Peer Mentorship Program
Be a Mentor
If you are a junior or senior Medicus member at the University of Iowa, you can apply to be a Peer Mentor!
In this program, you will be paired up with an underclassman and you can:
Gain leadership experience
Good for applying to the Medicus Executive Board​
Adds to your resume/CV
Help pre-meds in their journey at Iowa
Go to Medicus events with them​
Help them get involved on campus with research, volunteering, student orgs, etc
And any other way you can!
Be a Mentee
If you are a freshman or sophomore Medicus member at the University of Iowa, you can apply to be a Peer Mentor!
In this program, you will be paired up with an upperclassman who can help you:
Have someone to go to Medicus events with​
Get involved on campus with research, volunteering, student orgs, etc
Through various pre-med classes and study habits​
Figure out life in Iowa City/at the University of Iowa