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Office Hours

Reasons to Go to Office Hours:

  • Helps you get specific and accurate answers to course questions, study material, and overall better performance in your class

    • This improves your GPA for the Course Work section of your medical school applications!​

  • Helps you build relationships with your professors, which could open up opportunities for you

    • Professors you've built relationships with make great letter writers for your medical school applications!

    • Professors you've built relationships with are also more likely to mentor you in independent research or help you find a position in a research lab

Tips for Going to Office Hours:

  • Write down questions as you're taking your notes (either in the margins or on sticky note tabs, etc) and bring those questions to office hours!

    • This helps encourage you to get answers to those questions, furthering your learning, and to think more critically as your taking notes and going through lectures​

    • By including them as part of your notes, it also gives the question context so you know what part of lecture/lab you were referring to

  • Bring a friend with you!

    • A lot of people feel nervous or awkward the first time they go into office hours, so bringing a friend in the class with you can make it feel less awkward and give you more people to bounce ideas off of​

    • This is especially handy for online classes, when office hours can feel even more intimidating

  • Email beforehand!

    • This is especially useful if you have specific questions or want to go over a recent exam or paper. This gives your professor or TA time to prepare and have your exam/paper handy for the meeting​

  • Ask about tips to succeed in class!

    • Sometimes people don't know what they should be asking in the first couple weeks of class, especially for intro classes you may find easier. A great way to show the professor you care about the class is to go to office hours and ask "what does a successful student in your class look like?" Plus, their answer will tell you a lot about how you should be studying for their exams and what kind of time commitment you should set aside for the class

  • Go in during office hours to review exams and papers

    • This shows the professor you want to learn from your mistakes and helps you to continue to grow and get better and better grades through the semester.​

    • Make sure to take notes on your mistakes and ask the professor whether or not you can have a copy of your exam

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