Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Reasons to Go to SI:
Helps you get study material, learn from and with your peers and overall better performance in your class
This improves your GPA for the Course Work section of your medical school applications!​
Helps you build relationships with peers in your class
This makes it easier to form study groups and make friends
Tips for Going to SI:
Bring your notes and take notes during the session of the questions they ask and your answers
​This helps so when you look back after the session you can review the material again and test yourself over it
This also helps you to see the patterns in how the SI instructors and your peers are studying the material so you can learn more effective studying strategies
Be prepared to actively participate!
Most SI sessions involve group activities, discussion, adn games so be ready to work with your peers!​
Don't be afraid to make mistakes!
Participation is key, so try your best, work through the difficult problems ​and ask a lot of questions
Everyone makes mistakes, they help you and everyone else learn